Linklaters – First Magic Circle firm to adopt Gender Diversity Targets

June 9, 2014 from TheLawyer.
Linklaters has become the first magic circle firm to adopt gender diversity targets and is aiming for 30 per cent female membership on its executive committee and international board by 2018.
The firm has also set its sights on greater gender diversification of its partner promotions. By 2018 it aims for at least 30 per cent of new partners to be female.
Linklaters is the first magic circle firm to formally adopt the initiative although Allen & Overy is understood to be mooting introducing a 20 per cent female partnership target by 2020 (16 May 2014).
The move was announced at Linklaters’ annual partner conference held in Barcelona in April.
Linklaters’ chairman and senior partner Robert Elliott said: “It re-affirms Linklaters’ commitment to female progression, setting a visible and aspirational goal for greater female representation on the firm’s main executive body, its principal governance body and the partnership at large.”
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