Strive Consultants

Category: Recruiting Diverse Talent

Strive was created to celebrate differences and redefine diversity within the legal profession beyond tick boxing. Strive adopts a holistic approach to diversity, contextualising achievements and looking at data in the context of an individuals circumstances; thereby adding a human touch to its data driven approach. Strive works by identifying talent that has been missed by tick boxing, and other contextual recruitment systems, and discovers talent that isn’t immediately obvious on paper.

Strive then puts its candidates through a year-long programme designed to place them on equal footing with their more privileged peers, and ensures that they can compete on their own merits at assessment centres and interviews. This approach is essential to Strive’s success as its candidates are not the Russell Group elite: all are state educated, socially mobile and meet another diversity strand such as race, disability, or single parent upbringing.

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