Burness Paull LLP
Category: Law Firm Diversity and Inclusion Initiative of the Year
Statistics show that one in four women suffer serious symptoms from menopause. As a predominantly female law firm, Burness Paull recognised the impact of the menopause as significant – not only in relation to the physical and mental health and wellbeing of colleagues but also to wider gender equality, particularly at senior leve ls. The firm’s ‘Menopause at Work’ project aimed to create, embed and sustain a workplace culture that supp orts employees through menopause.
The goal of the firm was to break down the taboos and reduce the stigma surrounding menopause; while raising awareness and giving colleagues and managers the knowledge and confidence to discuss menopause openly at work. The firm also put structures in place to keep the conversation going. This initiative touched on gender, age and disability inclusion. The firm is also working towards Menopause Friendly Accreditation as a means of continuing this journey.