Category: In-house Legal Diversity and Inclusion Initiative of the Year)

NOT ALL LAWYERS HAVE LAW DEGREES… is a new podcast produced by a small team from BBC Legal and Business Affairs. It is one of the first initiatives of BBC Legal’s Diversity & Inclusion Steering Group. The podcast takes a fresh and empowering look at today’s legal profession, how you become a lawyer and the people that do. Part mentor and part role model, over 18 episodes, the podcast opens new windows onto a range of careers and career paths, including apprenticeships and the new SQE.

At the same time, a vibrant and diverse group of practitioners from across the country and the profession candidly share their thoughts and experiences. These are accessible and relatable legal people who while climbing the ladder themselves want, in the words of guest Demi Rixon, “to put the ladder behind and help bring others up” (Demi Rixon: I’m not inspiring, I’m just making a sandwich).

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