London Borough of Hackney

Legal and Governance Services

Category: Recruiting Diverse Talent

Over the last two years, Hackney Council has been working on its Corporate Equalities Programme which, within the realms of workforce diversity, seeks to address: the under-representation of Black & Minority Ethnic and disabled staff at senor levels; the under-representation of disabled staff at all levels; the variations in workforce diversity between different directorates; the need to protect the current gender equality which exists at senior levels of the organisation, given the structural inequalities which exist for women in the labour market; inequalities experienced by people from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

During those two years an extensive amount of external research, benchmarking, staff surveys, analysis and design has taken place to get to the point where they are today which has shown that their goal to address workforce inequalities has been reached and as a result of positive action taken to address concerns they proclaim a diverse workforce which reflects their Borough.

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